Evaluating LGBTI+ Inclusion within Sport and the Pride Cup Initiative – Pride Cup, VicHealth and Monash University

03 May, 2021|3 min read
Author:Pride Cup
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In July 2019, VicHealth commissioned researchers from the Faculty of Education, Monash University to undertake an evaluation to measure the impact of the Pride Cup program and resources.

Existing research highlights the lower participation rates of people who identify as LGBTI+. Gay and bisexual teenage males play team sport at less than half the rate of their heterosexual peers, whilst girls who identify as lesbian are known to experience discrimination and exclusion within some sport settings (Drury, 2011). Transgender young people frequently report negative and exclusionary experiences when seeking to participate in sport (Hargie, Mitchell, Somerville, 2017).

The Pride Cup was established in 2012 by Yarra Glen Football and Netball Club, intended as a visual demonstration of support for a player, Jason Ball, who had recently come out to his teammates. From this, the concept of the Pride Cup has grown into an Australian wide movement. The aim of the Pride Cup is to ensure that individuals who identify as LGBTI+ feel included and welcomed in sport and broader society.

The evaluation contributes to an understanding of what works in LGBTI+ inclusion approaches within sport and why, in relation to changing long outdated attitudes and behaviours. Despite the problem of LGBTI+ discrimination and exclusion from sport being well studied, there is very little research focused on finding effective solutions.


The evaluation team undertook a mixed method approach utilising surveys and interviews to gain data from participating clubs. The evaluation team distributed an online survey to organisers at all clubs who had participated in a Pride Cup within the calendar year up to September, 2019. This survey examined club understanding of the Pride Cup, the value of provided resources and thoughts about the impact of Pride Cup on the club environment.

More detailed data collection was also undertaken at 6 Pride Cup clubs representing the sports of AFL/Netball, Cricket, Roller Derby and Hockey. Interviews were undertaken with committee members, coaches, players and volunteers at these clubs with a total of 20 interviews completed. These interviews focused on examining club culture, awareness of LGBTI+ inclusion, perceived impact of the Pride Cup, value of resources and support, intentions to continue engaging in LGBTI+ inclusion, impact on club members and engagement with LGBTI+ community.

Paper based surveys were also completed at the 6 case study clubs with members over 18 years of age. The survey captured data regarding attitudes towards homophobia, use of homophobic language and confidence to challenge homophobic behaviour. Paper based surveys were also completed at 6 non-Pride Cup participating clubs enabling an important comparison that helps to establish the effects of the Pride Cup on attitudes and awareness towards LGBTI+ people.

Please see attached a summary of the evaluation below – for more information or to see the full report please contact [email protected].

Benefits of Pride Cup for Clubs synopsis

Pride Cup Evaluation Findings Extended synopsis

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